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Smoking Is Bad for Your Car As Well!

Smoking kills, you and your car as well!

September 5, 2019

We are all well aware of the damages that are caused to our health because of smoking cigarettes. However, have you ever thought of the damages that occur to your car while you smoke in there?

Let us have a look at all the issues that may arise because of smoking inside your car:


Cars are not living beings but they get affected with all the smoking. The most noticeable damage while smoking inside your car is that it starts to stink really badly and no one really appreciates to sit in a car that smells bad. Other than that, it makes some people nauseous as well.

We recommend you to use an air freshener that is anti-tobacco.

Discolor of Fabrics:

Smoking cigarettes can also discolor fabrics in cars, which is bad for your car. If you want your car to live long and stay fresh, try avoid smoking inside cars.


Most of the people think if they keep their car clean it will not be damaged but the reality is smoke gets absorbed into the surfaces, which is hard to clean.